What opportunities does the electronic medical record open for doctors and patients

An important and integral part of any medical information system is the patient’s electronic medical record. It has a convenient and understandable functionality for storing and managing patient data and greatly facilitates the work of doctors of all levels.
This article talks about the importance of the correct organization of the patient’s electronic record in the MIS, as well as its impact on the quality of medical services provided.

The main direction of the doctor’s work is medicine

Due to incorrect implementation and incorrect structure of the electronic medical record, highly qualified doctors are forced to devote more time not to receiving a patient, but to entering information about him. Such an administrative burden should not burden the doctor. It is better to spend this time on a better reception of patients and an attentive attitude towards them.

A large amount of data to be entered into paper or inconvenient electronic medical records throughout the entire working time leads medical institution employees to:

● increased fatigue;
● reduced concentration of attention, which negatively affects the relationship between the doctor and the patient;
● the appearance of additional work without a serious need.

An electronic health record that is well designed and configured properly structures the data. This allows:

● make quality medical decisions;
● reduce manual data entry;
● collect and store test results, certificates and medical history in one place.

Electronic medical record in the fight against professional burnout

For the convenience of the doctor, it is necessary to structure information about the patient in such a way that it is easier to assess the patient’s condition and make competent clinical decisions. This is the main purpose of the electronic health record within the framework of the IIA. Incomprehensible and inconvenient design of the system, frequent failures in the program lead to constant stress when filling it out.

It has already been proven that professional burnout of employees of medical institutions is a paramount factor that threatens patients. Therefore, it is worth choosing a simple and convenient medical electronic card. Today there are enough obstacles in the work of doctors of all levels. Poor-quality clinic software negatively affects the implementation of medical activities. In some areas of medicine, burnout leads to a crisis and early retirement. Young doctors are not always willing or ready to take up this baton.

That is why it is so important to reduce the pressure that is placed on all healthcare workers and eliminate excessive paperwork and many other factors that increase the workload.

To reduce the burnout of professional doctors and improve the quality of medical care, you must do the following:

● to introduce an understandable MIS and an electronic patient record, making it possible to use it even for age-related doctors;
● digitize previously entered paper patient data;
● simplify existing work processes;
● take into account the convenience of the work of specialists when changing in a medical institution.

With the help of an individual medical card in electronic format, you can see all the services that were provided to the patient during the entire period of treatment in the clinic. The doctor also has access to a medical history, a comparison of the results of current and previous tests, appointments and conclusions written by other doctors

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